Sunday, November 30, 2008

No more POTTY talk...and other things for which I'm Thankful

This has been a week full of blessings, so many that I could not count them! The weekend started with a miracle! Our potty was "healed" and passed the waded toilet paper test to prove it. So what happened? Well, I won't tell the whole embarrassing story in detail, but let's just say that the lady who came to adjust Aly's wheelchair somehow also "adjusted" the position of the lodged toothpaste container when she failed to read our sign posted above the potty prohibiting any #2 activity . With her two trips to the bathroom and a big plunging later, the potty works fine! She was embarrassed, but it saved us a weekend of tearing apart the bathroom!

Whew! Wasn't that a wonderful way to begin my list of things for which I'm thankful? No one wants surgery on a toilet if it can be avoided, and I spared you all the gory details! So let me just list some of the other things for which I am so thankful:

**Will took off an entire week.
**Everyone has been healthy, excluding minor colds and Aly's new cough. (Last year at this same time, we were in the hospital with Aly and almost didn't get to bring her home.)
**Of all weeks, this was the best time for our wonderful nurse to be sick for the first time. She was better by Thanksgiving, too.
**My parents and Debbie watched the kids, giving Will and me the chance to pick up our new van...and have a nice dinner together.
**We bought a new van! We'll actually own it after 75 months of mortgage-like payments.
**We have bought (and paid for) airlines tickets to Orlando! We told Aly that she would need no "sick drama" in order to go for her birthday this year.
**The kids had Daddy Game Time: They played football outside in the leaves. I think Daddy and Kassidy won! Mason was also thankful for time on his game boy.
**Together, we made a fantastic Thanksgiving feast, including morning monkey bread and homemade stuffing. MMMMM...Yummy!
**We set up the Christmas tree without too much fighting and nothing getting broken.

I am so thankful for this season! It's with a grateful heart that I thank the Lord for His provision for me and my family: "Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable." (Psalm 145:2-3)

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, too. And I'm sure that everyone is thankful that there will be no more potty talk, at least until the next incident! Can you believe it; tomorrow is the first of December! Now, it's time for Christmas! Happy preparing, M&R7