Monday, November 17, 2008

Not the bathroom, AGAIN...

Hopefully, you read last Saturday's post (Nov 15) and laughed. However on a serious note, does anyone know how to get a tube of toothpaste out of a toilet? And I don't mean getting it out of the water basin part of the toilet, either! All it took was one secret moment of privacy in the bathroom on Saturday, and Cam managed to drop a new tube of toothpaste (including the plastic tube) into the potty and flush it down, lodging it deep into the plumbing. William, our personal and untrained (although very experienced and cheap) plumber, started to retrieve it only to realize that the screws and bolts holding down the potty are rusted and will require some sawing. EEEEEKKKKK!

So the toilet's surgery to retrieve the tube of toothpaste has been postponed until this coming weekend. UGH! I am having pre-surgery jitters to say the least. Most special needs moms know that when one complication is followed by another that the trend is hard to break. Well, I shouldn't say "break," should I? I guess I am happy that everyone can still use the potty for #1, at least for now. We posted a sign above the toilet:

"NO POOPING HERE! (Use the other potty for #2)"

Well, I had to use words at the easy reader level. Ha Ha! I'll keep you posted, M&R7