Saturday, August 15, 2009

Boomer's Boy: Logic 101

Lessons 2-4

"When his favorite boy leaves every morning for school, Boomer will enjoy any one's attention." The children had a wonderful first week in school/home school. While Ethan, Kas and Mason were at CCA and in addition to our school lessons and therapy, Cam and I were "substitute dog walkers and dog lovers." You must understand: Out of all R7, Cam and I are the least likely candidates for this job. Sadly, Boomie had to "burrito" himself into the cover off the grill to feel the "love" he was missing. Hm! Do you think he also enjoyed the lingering smell of grilled steak and chicken?

"Waiting all day to lick a face and get a belly rub will bring a Boomer to the brink of tears." Boomer whined with anticipation to see his boy, hardly able to contain himself long enough to lick Ethan's face so Boomer's tongue landed on Kas and Mason, too.

"When your favorite boy blows in your ear after he's been gone away a long day at school, blame your foot and give it a nibble." Funny the things a beloved boy can get away doing! Even Cam felt pity for Ethan's dog and pretended to be Boomer's (dog)friend, ready for a nap under the table. These two spent time together doing "doggy" things.

Like I said, it's been a great week and I took a ton of pictures. Look for the slide show and enjoy all the funny shots, especially of Boomer!

By the way, we did get results back from the bone scan. Aly must see the orthopedist for answers as the scan showed a concentration of contrast in the right hip. This could indicate several things: arthritis? fracture? infection? Who knows at this point? So add another specialist to our agenda for next month.

Also, everyone has been well! Hallelujah! Thanks for checking on us! Really, thanks for praying for us. I'll keep y'all updated, M&R7