So we're still swimming and watching the undersea life! It appears that in addition to a second tether, Cam has a mass of tissue on the thoracic region of his spinal cord as well. We see the neurosurgeon on May 5 to get more information and explanation, if there is any. We could be in surgery as quick as the end of the next week.
Here's another major prayer request: We have cancelled any and all of Aly's appointments and will keep her out of any public venues until the swine flu epidemic has concluded. Remember how getting the regular flu could devastate her low immunity and fragile medical status? (Click here and here for some information.)Let's pray that she WILL NOT come into contact nor will she develop ANY swine flu symptoms!
Please keep those life boats ready for us; we will jump off this "Titanic" hopefully before it sinks! We are resolved to LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND! Oh! And while it's true that fish and swine have some really pungent smells, this stuff REALLY STINKS! M&R7
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fish and Swine both Stink!
Posted by I'm just the MOM! at 8:07 AM