As a new blogger, I am interested in other people's blogs especially because I want to learn new technical tricks to add to my own blog. What I have found astounds me, and it's not just the technical savvy of people that impresses me either. Another part I find fantastic is the camaraderie of bloggers and their readers. These writers share their very personal thoughts, feelings, dreams, and prayers with readers whom they have never met or might not ever know. I have four new blogs that I am following closely and that are affecting me deeply. These people are amazing and certainly I share some of their special concerns. I wanted to share with you their links: MckMama, CFHusband, Bring the Rain, and My Rett Body.
They are inspirational with how they genuinely share their innermost selves. From their own sincerity and without even knowing me, they are challenging me to become translucent in my own blog and not just funny, entertaining, or anecdotal. Somehow, The Lord has brought me to these blogs.
Please, join me as I pray for Stellan and his family. M&R7
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Some amazing links...
Posted by I'm just the MOM! at 8:33 AM